What do women want in a Male Protagonist? And Sample Pages from SWISS MISS

If you're looking to read the first three pages of SWISS MISS, here's your chance!

Sample Pages

Okay, now's the time to hear from you. What do you women want in a male protagonist? Here are some of my favorite heroes from my favorite books:

1. Mr. Darcy, the rich powerful, stoic, but handsome man who loves the heroine even though she treats him like dirt.

2. Rhett Butler, also rich, but he and Scarlet have some funky chemistry. He wants her and will stop at nothing to get her. (Then leaves her in the end. Eek, I hope that wasn't a spoiler for anyone!)

3. Wesley aka Farmboy aka the Dread Pirate Roberts, he will survive anything for true love, torture, ROUSes, fireswamp. He comes back to life to save her, even if she did leave him in the fireswamp. Swashbuckling comedy.

You get the idea.

So what do you want? Sexy? Goofy? Funky chemistry? Emotional connection? Does he have to be rich? Powerful? Must he love the female protagonist, pine for her? Tell me your favorite male protags, and I better hear more than just Edward or Jacob!


  1. Hmm, hunky protags...

    I'm thinking of Rom in Eva Ibbotson's A Company of Swans (which you should read if you have not). I do have some minor issues with him, but he was definitely compelling. Rich, cultured, gentlemanly but can win a brawl, that sort of thing.

    I can also go for the guy who is nerdy, funny, a little bit awkward (but not bumbling), oh wait, am I describing my husband? :D

  2. Totally going to check out A Company of Swans. I so need a good read right now and I am waiting sooooo patiently for Ally Carter's HS2.

    Yeah, that's my husband, too. That's why I had to ask. I look at life through my own yes. But not everybody likes smart, little nerdy guys. I sure do!

  3. I like guys who are witty and have a sense of humor. I also like guys who do the right thing, even when it's hard. Those are the heros I like best!

  4. Ooh, I like that Merilee, guys who do the right thing even when it's hard. Soooo increeeeedibly sexxy!


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