Started Number Four

No, I didn't read I Am Four. I started writing my fourth novel. It's about a girl who meets this guy... Hey, isn't that how all my stories go? My next novel after this one will be a YA fantasy. I promise I will deviate from my formula just a bit. After writing 14,000 words in this new story, I noticed that, as in Swiss Miss, my main character girl faints with hunger. I'm like, what is that all about? As the king says in the Richard Chamberlain Slipper and the Rose, "All girls faint, they know it's expected of them."

Working on a query letter to send to Sara Megibow of Nelson literary agency. I am having some friends read over my draft first, just to make sure it's all good.

Just another thought. I read in one of my writing books that Isaac Asimov said that if a doctor gave him six minutes to live, he wouldn't slow down, he'd type faster. I sometimes feel the same way, a story begging to be told, that I wake in the night and take furious notes. Sometimes I beg them to let me sleep, (uh, that might not be a good idea to silence my muse.)

Last thought, Ally Carter of Gallagher Girl fame is coming out with her second Heist Society this summer. And she's coming here! My friend and I are dressing up like Gallagher girls, so if you're in town and want to join us, grab a plaid skirt and join us June 25th at the county library.


  1. Have you fainted often from food hunger? Just a thought...

  2. Often feels like I'm going to. I think men bringing food is so symbolic. :)


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