Oh Crap!

So apparently "chick-lit" is dead.  See here "Pub Rants" by Agent Kristen Nelson and here an interview with another agent I researched.  That totally stinks.  My guess, from some of the comments on Kristen's blog, is that readers want something more substantial than dating and drinking, shopping and s-e-x.  Depth.  They are looking for depth.  I can give them depth, but how do I get past the stereotype of frivolous fluff?


  1. interesting reads. don't worry too much, just keep writing and querying, right?

  2. Thankfully, I don't write toward trends. But I don't want agents passing on my story because they think it's shallow!! I think it's more Rom-Com, which places the emphasis on the relationship, rather than frivolity. One more rejection today, too, btw. :)

  3. It just takes one acceptance letter, then you won't ever care how many rejection letters you ever got!

  4. This is TRUE!!! I'm trying to develop some thick skin and let it roll off me!! Thanks for all your encouragement!!!!


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