
Showing posts from December, 2020

5-Star Review from InD'Tale Mag

 There is one distinction I have been coveting for a while in my writing career: the Crowned Heart of Excellence bestowed upon all the 5-star reviews at the Indy and Small Press Reviewing site.   I got the email telling me about the review, but I didn't pay much attention to it. Until they send the second. I was like, Summer of Sundaes got a 5-star review from a literary magazine? Wow! So then I had to Google it. After finding the review online, I was even more in awe! The review is stellar! I'm just going about my daily life saying "wow" to myself. "Wow! Someone really liked my book!" It always pleases me when people connect with the people and places I write about. They are all apart of me. The reader is enjoying a bit of my shared soul and in turn we share something together. It's really amazing. Here's part of it: "This fast-paced novella drops a resplendent meal on the reader’s mind. With the storyline unfolding very quickly, the characters...