Conference Tips!

I just returned from the Georgia Romance Writer's Conference, Moonlight and Magnolias. I enjoyed basking in the glow of other writer's talent. It was an amazing experience. I thought I'd write some things I learned about going to a Conference. 1). Volunteer. Conferences take a lot of man (woman) power. I always sign up to volunteer to do something. It's a great way to get involved and to make friends. 2.) Be friendly and ask questions. I always assume that everyone there knows more than I do about writing, about publishing, about life. I want to soak up as much as I can. I like to ask questions and get to know people. And not just the writers and editors. I made friends with the lady in housekeeping and she bought my book. 3.) Networking. I picked this conference because I knew some of the other writers plus my editor would be at this conference. (That and I had tickets and a deadline!) 4.) Workshops. I've been struggling with a certain writing flaw and ...