
Showing posts from January, 2025

5 reasons why reading is good for you

 Many people poo-poo reading as a waste of time, or even worse, bad for you for introducing bad ideas into your head. Hello, Gaston! Here are five reasons why reading is good for you! #1-- Reading makes you smarter. Whether you're reading non-fiction or fiction, you are learning new things--vocabulary or even how things work. My husband learned so much about the West while reading Louis L'amour books when he was a kid. #2-- Reading makes you empathic and compassionate. When you read, you are walking a mile in someone else's shoes for a while. You learn that every one has reasons for their actions. You can experience another person's life, all from the safety of your own room. #3-- Reading helps you to understand the world better. I read to see the world in a different light. I gain perspective and knowledge. It gives me context for certain behaviors. It introduces me to other cultures. #4-- Reading gives you good hormones . The endorphins you get when you accomplish a...

5 Tips To Help You Read More (without breaking the bank)

 If your goals for 2025 included reading more books or reading more often, then I'm here to help you out with five tips to get more reading in. #5-- Audiobooks are a no-brainer! You can put them on your phone, put in headphones and make chores less boring. I have listened to many hours of audio while exercising, folding laundry and running errands in the car. If you're a commuter and spend extra time in the car, there is no reason for that time to go to waste. Enjoy it instead with audio. If you like Audible, you can sign up here. OR.... BONUS #1: Many authors are now offering audiobooks for free on their YouTube Channel. Subscribe to my YouTube for free audiobooks.   (Coming soon!) I'll create another post with all my sweet/clean friends who have FREE audiobooks up on their channels. #4-- Find a designated time. I read just a few minutes before bed. I've discovered that even if I read a few pages before bedtime, I'm more relaxed and have cooler dreams than if I ...